
Most Greek Byzantinists, scientifically active within or outside Greece, supported the institution of the Byzantinists' Conferences of Greece and Cyprus, where seven conferences were organized from 1998 to 2007.

Considering that this institution was successful and contributed to the promotion of Byzantine Studies in Greece as well as to their international visibility, the Greek Committee for Byzantine Studies undertook in 2014 the initiative to revive the Meetings as a follow-up to the original institution but in a new form.

The conferences now bear the name Greek Byzantinists' Conferences and continue to have as their main objective the acquaintance of older and younger scientists. They are organized every two years by Greek academic institutes. The Greek Committee for Byzantine Studies bears the responsibility of commissioning the meetings and collaborates with the Organizing Committee during the preparation of the Conference.


12th Greek Byzantinists' Conference (2025)

The 12th Greek Byzantinists' Conference will be organized by the Department of Philology and the Department of History and Archaeology of the University of Crete and will take place in Rethymno, from the 25th to the 28th September 2025.

Επιστολή-ΙΒʹ Συνάντηση Ελλήνων Βυζαντινολόγων

Αʹ Εγκύκλιος ΙΒʹ Συνάντησης Ελλήνων Βυζαντινολόγων. 29.7.24

Δήλωση συμμετοχής. ΙΒ΄ Συνάντηση Ελλήνων Βυζαντινολόγων. 29.7. 24 docx